Cornell Summer Session Evolution Courses

Several people have emailed me requesting information on the Cornell summer seminar on design and purpose in nature. In particular, there seems to be some confusion about the course title and description as it is listed in the online course catalog for the Cornell Summer Session. Here is a link to the page in which the course listing can be found (scroll down to Ecology and Evolutionary Biology/E&EB):

Evolution & Design: Is There Purpose in Nature?

and here is a link to the actual course description:

Course Description

As you can see, the course description in the online catalog is very brief and pretty generic, and the course title ("Seminar in History of Biology") doesn't mention design or purpose. Fear not! This is the correct course listing for the now somewhat notorious "design/purpose in nature seminar."

And, of course, please consider taking my introductory evolution course as well! We will be covering some of the same topics, and will take a historical and philosophical approach to the science of evolution. The class is generally small enough so that there is plenty of interaction between students and instructors (I usually have a couple of graduate student TAs), and we learn a lot about evolution and its implications (and have fun doing it).

There will also be a "course blog", which will be announced on this website soon. Watch this space!
